NSA Documents Prove Surveillance of Donald Trump & His Family Bombshell discovery shows targets of NSA’s “Project Dragnet”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Infowars.com have obtained credible information from law enforcement sources regarding individual records of U.S. citizens under National Security Agency (NSA) electronic surveillance in the years 2004 through 2010 – a database that suggests both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under illegal, unauthorized government monitoring during those years.

The information provided in this story by Infowars is not the opinion of some random “fake news” agency but rather carefully vetted information by one of the last investigative news organizations left in the United States.  I highly recommend clicking over and digging deep into this article.  It provides individual records taken from a NSA database and showed how the a tree of “wiretaps” or “directed surveillance” started with a target and continues on to everyone that starting person calls or has contact with.




Deep State news on “main stream media”

It was very surprising to me to hear Judge Andrew Napolitano not only mention the deep state but also to give a semi-accurate definition of what it is. “The deep state has a very wise and shrewd adversary , the man in the Oval Office,” he said. “[It is] the first time in the modern era that the man in the Oval Office has been an adversary of the deep state, rather than a tool of it.”  The deep state war is getting heated and the country could suffer from the leak volleys.

In an appearance with Lou Dobbs, Napolitano laid out what the deep state is for the general public, and dropped bombshell after bombshell about its power to influence the behavior of presidents, obtain all manner of information about the general public and steer the direction of the country – regardless of which political group is supposedly in charge.
“Really, it’s been around since 1947: the deep state – the part of the government that never charges, regardless of which party controls Congress and which party is in the White House,” he explained. “There are many, many aspects of the deep state; we’re talking about the intelligence community deep state – people in the intelligence community that have access to so much information about everyone.”

“They can manipulate the President of the United States, and if they don’t like what he says, they can embarrass him, and if they want to control his thought patterns and decision making, they’ll keep information away from him.”

President John Kennedy was gutting the CIA when the unthinkable happened and many think that president Trump could be in danger.  It seems that if a politician is not black mailable then the deep state will do whatever it takes to stall their agenda and turn the public against them.

Deep State tactics becoming visible

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Wikileaks “Vault 7” drop of CIA cyber-warfare documents contains the startling revelation that the CIA, under a project identified as “Umbrage,” maintained a substantial library of Russian cyber-attack techniques “stolen” from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.
This revelation yields a “through the looking glass” possibility that the Obama administration obtained FISA permission to conduct electronic surveillance on Russians believed to be coordinating with the Trump campaign based on intelligence the CIA planted to deceive the NSA into thinking there was actual contact between Russian agents and the Trump campaign.
Possibly, what the CIA was monitoring was not actual contacts between Russian agents and the Trump campaign, but CIA-created counter-espionage designed to implicate Trump and provide the legal context for the DOJ to have enough “evidence” to obtain a FISA green-light.

The Wikileaks “Vault 7” drop is also startling in the realization that the Obama administration CIA went rogue, in that the CIA “had created, in effect, its ‘own NSA’ with even less accountability and without publicly answering the question as to whether such a massive budgetary spend on duplicating the capabilities of a rival agency could be justified.”
Just as the Wikileaks daily “drip-drip” release of the Podesta emails wreaked havoc with Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, the Wikileaks promised “drip-drip” release of the “Vault 7” document treasure trove promises to wreak havoc for President Obama.
Supporters of Obama tried over the weekend to invoke the “Nixon Watergate Defense” for Obama, suggesting he was prohibited by law from ordering the electronic surveillance on the Russians that evidently snared conversations by presidential candidate Donald Trump and his close professional, personal and campaign associates.
In Watergate, Nixon’s denial of responsibility ultimately turned into Sen. Howard Baker’s famous question: “What did the president know, and when did he know it?”
In the final analysis, President Obama as chief executive of the United States bore full legal responsibility for the actions of all executive branch subordinates, including the CIA.
It is inconceivable that Attorney General Loretta Lynch pursued FISA permission to conduct NSA-level electronic surveillance on the Russians without first obtaining the permission of her immediate superior, namely President Obama.
With the Wikileaks “Vault 7” dump just in its first hours, the extent of CIA rogue hacking is astounding.
“By the end of 2016, the CIA’s hacking division, which formally falls under the agency’s Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI), had over 5,000 registered users and had produced more than a thousand hacking systems, Trojans, viruses, and other ‘weaponized’ malware,” Wikileaks disclosed just before 9:00 am this morning.
That a secret CIA cyber-warfare operation of this magnitude had remained hidden from Congressional committees assigned CIA oversight reveals how politically inept Congress has become under the leadership of an elite GOP Washington-based leadership that has become all too cozy with a Democratic-controlled White House during the eight years of the Obama administration.
Wikileaks, once again, has managed to change the dialogue, simply by revealing to the American public the details of a secret CIA cyber-warfare division that operated clearly outside the Constitutional requirement to be funded by Congress, with implications that at its highest-level CIA officials almost certainly committed criminal violations of U.S. law.
Podesta and Clinton could not spin fast enough to hide the Wikileaks revelation that Putin had been paying Hillary Clinton through the Clinton Foundation and Podesta through a grant of Joule stock, in a Russian-operated money laundering scheme, as reported previously by Infowars.com and by WND.com.
So too, after the Wikileaks “Vault 7” drop today, President Obama is unlikely to be able to spin fast enough as President Trump’s accusations that Obama was “wiretapping” the Trump campaign is now magnified to several orders of magnitude more serious by the disclosure the CIA created a secret electronic surveillance cyber-attack division that rivaled the NSA in size, funding and capabilities.

As seen on http://www.infowars.com

Local media, not local, and pushed.

I am sure you have all seen the video compilations of local media literally using the exact language throughout the United States.  One could speculate that local news organizations are receiving what to say, at least partially, by a centralized news “distributer”.  I wonder who pushes that news and why.

One thing I did find interesting about these compilations was the fact that there are many different companies involved.  It wasn’t just all the different “local” NBC affiliates.  I noticed logos from ABC, FOX, CBS and a few that I could investigate to find the source but there was effort to hide which affiliates the clips came from.

It is surprising to me the lack of effort put forth to cover up the fact that their news is coming from a provided source.  The corporatization of content, in my opinion, is a major problem.  First off the people who push the narrative have certain beliefs and even if great effort is taken to put those beliefs to the side it is still coming from the same person or groups of people.  Second it really makes these affiliates suffer from having the same corporate, bland, focus group tested content that is driving ratings into the toilet.  Third and finally if there happens to be a way that the group wants the populace to feel about a topic or react to a story all they have to do is distribute that topic to the “local” news affiliates.  The “local” news affiliates will then spew the “news” exactly as provided.

I have always had a false sence that local news organizations were independent.  Had their own local reporters that got sent out to do investigative journalism or feel good story.  I am positive that those positions still exist out there it just happens to be that it is combined with the content pushed by a small group.  Could be that in order to save money the affiliates fill time with this corporatized propaganda.  However to just regurgitate the information without even rewriting the language just floors me.

Examining the pushed “FAKE NEWS” narrative

Welcome to my first blog post.  It started on September 11th.  I woke up to my wife calling  to tell me to switch on the news.  I still remember that feeling in my stomach as if I hadn’t eaten in weeks.  The whole nation was captivated by the tragedy taking place live on every channel.  That is when my appetite for information began.  I would read and watch every source I could find just waiting for the “breaking news” banner to stream past the screen.  To this very day I have a hard time going to sleep until around 3:30 am.  That gives me a chance to watch the morning news from the east coast and puts me at ease when no craziness is happening in the world.  I had to say all of that to help explain my thirst for information that extended to books on the history of intelligence, white papers by patriots, globalists, professors, and even conspiracy theorists.  While at work I usually listen to audio books and use my lunch break to research.

Lately I have noticed a change in the way the media covers events.  Has this gone on forever and I am just able to notice it or was the decision made to change the way information is spread to the people?  In 2012 the NDAA (national defense authorization act) authorized the use of untruthful “fake news” information to be pushed on the American people.  Here is a link from Business Insider breaking down the changes at the time.  http://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5  However I think its pretty safe to say that the NDAA’s changes to the policies were only there for legal cover.  The intelligent agency’s have been pushing fake news for decades and I will break down some of those in the coming months.  Here is a short video on one famous case.

Well welcome to my blog and I think this will be fun exploring the different meme’s being pushed by different party’s in the USA and I’ll try and give you the information on why that would be happening, who is benefitting from that way of thinking and what could actually be going on.  It is pretty safe to say that the new outrage regarding “fake news” is something that was intended and was probably though out for months in government think tanks.  If all the news is questioned then the real news will also be questioned.  Someone could get away with anything.